[讨论] 新季度,含有同志支线或人物美剧大盘点,欢迎补充~~~

本帖最后由 ricky12348 于 2009-8-12 11:24 编辑

1. NBC新剧Trauma

本剧同样由《Friday Night Lights》的一位制片人打造,用来接替NBC播出了15年之久的人气长剧《急诊室的故事》(ER)。NBC介绍说,这是一部「非常新颖」的医疗剧,不仅情节和气氛紧张,而且「真实性」也非常强。该剧描述了医疗行业中最危险的一类职业--第一急救员。你在美国的影视作品中经常可以看到这类场景:当有人遭受重大人身伤害(比如中枪)时,急救车很快便风驰电掣地赶到,从车上跳下几个人,有的拿医疗箱,有的抬担架,有的负责检查伤者、做人工呼吸、打强心针,等等。这些人就被称作「第一急救员」。

每当有紧急情况出现,无论伤者在陆上,在水上,还是在空中,无论要爬上环美金字塔中心(Transamerica Pyramid)那高高的楼顶,还是要潜入旧金山湾那漆黑的海底,旧金山中心医院急救小组总是在第一时间赶到现场。不管周遭的环境有多么险恶,形势有多么复杂,治病救人始终是他们的首要任务。


该剧由Derek Luke、Cliff Curtis、Anastasia Griffith、Aimee Garcia、Kevin Rankin及Jamey Sheridan主演。



Afterelton的消息:Here's some news that should gladden GLAAD's heart (not to mention ours!): I've confirmed exclusively that NBC's new medical drama Trauma is going to include a major gay character as part of its cast.


2. STARz TV新剧Spartacus:Blood and Sand

想象一部集合《罗马 Rome》的裸露、《角斗士 Gladiator》的暴力角斗场和《300》的血腥画面的剧集会是什么样子,Starz电视台就将给我们带来这部震惊四座的大尺度巨作《斯巴达克斯:血与沙 Spartacus:Blood and Sand》。





During last January's TCA Press Tour, I chatted with Steven S. DeKnight, the headwriter for Spartacus: Blood and Sand, who told me that even though the new Starz series had yet to yet shoot a single scene, cast a single actor, or even write a page of the script, the show would definitely include "gay" characters.

But our own Brent Hartinger recently talked with Rob Tapert, Spartacus' executive producer (and the creator of the much beloved Xena: Warrior Princess) about the show, and Tapert confirmed that Spartacus, currently shooting in New Zealand, will indeed include a gay character. When pressed for details, Tapert clammed up which means it's time for us to play another round of "guess the gay character!"

Of course, our interest in the show extends beyond mere beefcake. Though usually ignored by Hollywood, Roman culture was well-known for having same-sex relationships, and after the panel, I spoke with Spartacus' executive producer Steven S. DeKnight who said the series was definitely going to include multiple male same-sex relationships.

When DeKnight and I last spoke in January, no scenes had yet been filmed so it's especially gratifying he has followed through on his promise to be so inclusive. In fact, DeKnight said that one of those same-sex male pairs would be the healthiest relationship on the show.

3. ABC新剧Modern Family

《摩登家庭 ModernFamily》是一部每集30分钟的情景喜剧,讲述三个截然不同美国家庭的日常生活和情感故事。父母二人加3个孩子的传统核心家庭,一对同性恋情侣外加养子的摩登家庭,由不同肤色人群组成的“跨国”家庭。不同的家庭的观念,不同的文化背景,却正是美国“大熔炉”特性的凸现,本剧通过独特的视角和戏剧性的安排,力图让观众对当代美国家庭有更深的了解。


4. FOX新剧Glee

由《整容室》(Nip/Tuck)制片人Ryan Murphy开发的新剧《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)是一部节奏非常欢快的情节音乐喜剧。故事讲述乐天派的高中教师Will Schuester(Matthew Morrison扮演)接手校园合唱团后,梦想着率队赢得全国大赛。但摆在Will面前的现实是:来参加合唱团的学生五花八门,绝大多数都很不合群,有些则是别人眼里的“怪人”。

McKinley高中合唱团曾有过辉煌的过去,他们是这个领域中的佼佼者。随着岁月的流逝,合唱团绯闻不断,丑闻缠身,很多富有才华的年轻人都悄然离开了。现在,这个合唱团成了“南郭先生”和孤僻学生的“避风港”。生性乐观的Will接受了校长交办的这项艰巨任务:重塑McKingley合唱团的形象,创造另一次辉煌。Will并不孤独--因为他有漂亮女教师Emma Pillsbury(Jayma Mays扮演)的全力辅佐。

同志角色就是他(Chirs Colfer 饰 Kurt Hummel ):

继续Afterelton,第一集Kurt gay的身份没有明确提及,但是创作人说第二集会明确这个问题,Kurt还会成为足球明星:

Even better, Glee will add a new gay to the desperately bare ranks of gay teens with the addition of fourteen-year-old Kurt, played by Chris Colfer.

In doing so, he recruits a group of misfits including freshman Kurt, who isn't explicitly identified as gay in the pilot, but screams "gay" the way Bruce Willis screams straight (at least in the minds of your average American who doesn't know there are plenty of gay men like Willis). We don't see that much of Kurt in the first episode, but in the show's opening moments we see him being heaved into atrash bin by a group of bullies — after Kurt insists on removing his very fashionable jacket.

I had a chance to speak with Glee's creator Murphy (Nip/Tuck) who indicated Kurt is going to be more than just another stereotypical cliche. Murphy explained that the series' second episode would deal explicitly with Kurt's being gay and a later storyline would actually see Kurt becoming a star on the football team.

United States of Tara,下一季至少会加入三个同志配角

United States of Tara starts its second season in January of 2010 and theshow is going to be a lot more gay, adding a number of recurringcharacters to inhabit gay Marshall’s (Keir Gilchrist) world. Look forthe Gregson family to have Ted, an openly gay teacher, and his muchyounger lover Hany as neighbors, with Hany and Marshall becoming fastfriends.

Meanwhile, Marshall will become part of the ‘gay group’ at school,developing a close friendship with Courtney, an open-minded straight girl and Lionel, who will introduce Marshall to the world of gay activism. The roles are currently being cast.

《南国警察》(Southland):第二季将把主线集中在Regina King和Ben McKenzie两个人身上,而不像第一季那样散。不晓得那个同志角色的戏份会有多少~~


MK 发表于 2009-8-12 19:00



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