[贴图] Larry Sullivan和David Monahan生活中是一对相伴十年的爱侣!!!

本帖最后由 randigoode 于 2011-12-14 18:44 编辑

Larry Sullivan是大家都非常非常喜欢的电影The Trip的主演 http://movie.douban.com/celebrity/1050077/

David Monahan是同样受到很多人喜欢的电影伊桑格林的群居生活 The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green (2005)的主演

今天我手痒,想去更新豆瓣上David Monahan的图片http://movie.douban.com/celebrity/1115136/,于是在Google上搜图,看到了下面这张图!!

然后我就开始深挖就搜到了下面这个领养申请的网站!他们居然是一对相伴十年多的爱侣!!!太low profile了!!我的GAYDAR真的真的太准了!!!!!!!!!!!!!
关于他们俩About us:From the moment we met over 10 years ago, there hasn’t been a day that we haven’t made each other laugh, which is one of our relationship’s greatest strengths. We are also best friends and have built a wonderful life surrounded by amazing friends and an incredibly supportive family. In addition, we’re huge animal lovers and have two dogs, Opie and Lexie, and two cats, Maya and Ted. There’s always someone cute and fuzzy to play with or pet. We look forward to providing a fun, loving environment filled with laughter and creativity for a child.
Larry这样形容David:Dave is my best friend. He’s intelligent, caring, funny and handsome. He’s there for you 100% whether you’re laughing or crying. So many people ask Dave for advice because he’s such a good listener and always knows just what to say. He’s a great cook and the thought of making big weekend breakfasts for our family before heading off to a park together has him super excited! Whether it’s playing games or helping with math homework or reading bed-time stories, he’s not only good at all of it but he’s excited about all of it. He lives each day to the fullest and I can’t wait to watch him become the best dad.
David这样形容Larry:Larry is the most sensitive and caring person I have ever met. He has an enormous and generous heart as well as an unparalleled capacity for compassion towards others, whether human or animal. He’s smart, goofy, has a great sense of humor and is extremely loving as both a partner and friend. Two of the things I admire most about him are his patience and his ability to be vulnerable in front of others in a way that disarms and endears people to him. I picture Larry taking our child to the animal sanctuary near our home so he or she can play with the sheep, feed the pigs and chase the chickens all day.
然后是最重要的领养期望:Our Values & Our Promise to You
We both feel that we’ve been given so much in our lives that it’s important to give back. Dave tutors at-risk kids through a program called “School-on-Wheels” and Larry is part of several animal rescue groups that help find good adoptive homes for wayward pets. He also volunteers delivering meals to people with terminal illnesses. In addition, we feel it’s so important to raise a kind, compassionate child who has the confidence and support to chase his/her dreams because that’s what our parents did for us.
We look forward to building a relationship with you built on trust and openness. We want to get to know you and your dreams for your baby and move forward with the level of openness you are comfortable with.
We can't wait to meet you in person!

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