[原创] 观BACK SOON 有感

 Reuniting the actors from his hit film Long Term Relationship, director Rob Williams’ Back Soon is a tender, sexy drama that explores the depths of love, loss, identity and hope. Still grieving his wife's death, aspiring actor Logan (Windham Beacham) is inexplicably drawn to reformed drug dealer Guillermo (Matthew Montgomery, Gone, But Not Forgotten). While neither are gay, the pair are baffled when their friendship blossoms into more. But as their relationship deepens Guillermo's mysterious past erupts and a startling revelation about the true nature of their connection threatens to destroy it and change their lives forever.
两位男主角都是直男,当然也都是帅哥撒。一个叫洛根 另外一个叫吉尔  (不好意思是我自已翻译的他们的名字)他们本来不可能相遇的,但是当洛根的妻子不幸遭遇车祸身亡后,洛根很伤心想卖掉两人爱的小屋。买主就是吉尔,洛根发现吉尔身上的一些特质让他很熟悉,也让他迷惑。吉尔也对洛根非常有好感。随着剧情的发展,吉尔发现他和洛根的妻子曾经住过同一家医院,在洛根妻子生命结束的那一天,恰好也是他捡回一条命的时间,他在梦中还和洛根妻子见过。洛根的妻子对他说:她太爱洛根了,如果你也是的话,那就没问题了。洛根的妻子最后走了,吉尔在度过了一个生死难关后,失去了记忆,但是仍对洛根很熟悉,而洛根也发现自已爱上了吉尔,不论吉尔身上有没有妻子的影子都一样爱,所以洛根最后对失忆躺在病床上的吉尔说:HI  我的名字就洛根,很高兴认识你,现在你不能动,等你好了,能一起去喝杯咖啡吗?吉尔没说话,但两人的手握在了一起。

值得一提的是,两个人能在一起,洛根的妻子居功不小哦,就连两个的第一次H也是洛根妻子的亡魂撮合的,就像洛根妻子对吉尔说的,我太爱他了,如果你也是的话,那就没问题 了。

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