我最喜欢的是S5 soundtrack里面他们对Ep.513 Proud得注释:The series comes full circle with the anthem from Episode 101 custom mixed for QAF. Babylon rises from the ashes and is re-born -- and our "boys" become "men".

Our "boys" become "men"!!!


原帖由 isabelwalker 于 2006-11-23 22:09 发表
As of this writing, there's a bill waiting to be passed in Michigan allowing doctors to deny giving health care to ga ypeople without reprisal.

这个法案通过了吗?我实在不能理解为什么他们会如此的痛恨同性恋,连死刑犯在美国都有被医治的权利,他们居然想要剥夺同性恋这种最基本的权利。 This is a mad world。em09 em02


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