[电影] 底特律革命/Detroit Evolution/[2020][英语/无字幕][231MB][百度云盘]

导演: Michelle Iannantuono
编剧: Michelle Iannantuono
主演: Michael James Daly / Maximilian Koger / Jillian Geurts
类型: 科幻 / 同性
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
片长: 75分钟
IMDb链接: tt12637828

Detroit Evolution is a romantic thriller feature film taking place in the world of Quantic Dream's bestselling video game "Detroit Become Human".
It's been one year since Markus freed the androids of Detroit. The most advanced android ever created, Nines (Maximilian Koger), has evolved past his initial programming as a ruthless hunter, and now protects the city as a DPD detective. But as new crimes and dangers start to threaten RK900 himself, he must also juggle his growing love for his partner, Detective Gavin Reed (Chris Trindade), and navigate everything that they mean to one another.

(挺神奇的一部饭制游戏真人电影。完整版已经由Octopunk Media上传到油管,这是直接从上面上扒下来的。。动作略渣,特效剧本可以忽略,但是男主略可爱。。也算是饭制电影的一次里程碑式尝试?)



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