[柜子] Anderson Cooper正式宣布出柜

看到这张照片,大家一定很熟悉,这就是美国著名CNN主持人Anderson Cooper
尽管他跟Zachary Quinto, Ricky Martin一样,属于半公开化但是从未公开承认自己是Gay的名人

http://www.washingtonpost.com/bl ... JQA0fuKIW_blog.html

Anderson Cooper has publicly acknowledged for the first time that he is gay.
Anderson Cooper已经第一次公开承认他是同性恋。

“The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be. I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.”

“It’s become clear to me that by remaining silent on certain aspects of my personal life for so long, I have given some the mistaken impression that I am trying to hide something — something that makes me uncomfortable, ashamed or even afraid. This is distressing because it is simply not true.”

关于Anderson的观点,也许也是我现在的态度。 个人生活并不想公诸于众,身为同性恋并没有使我于别人有什么不同。我并不需要对别人说我是同性恋,就跟别人也不需要跟我说他们是直男一样。关键是持有一颗怎样的心,怎样对待自己和对待社会的心。但是总有一天,我会站出来,我会为了我们自己的权益去奉献,去争取,为了更多人的幸福!

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