[论坛出品]活着为了证明/Paragraph 175[RMVB][270MB][中文字幕][多网盘]

原名:Paragraph 175
导演:Rob Epstein


Pragraph 175是指德国法律里监禁男同性恋者发生性行为的条例。"发生在同性之间或是人与动物之间的性行为应受到关押、失去公民权力或被征税。" 从1933年至1945年间,共有超过10万名同性恋者被指控触犯此条例,而被关进集中营。其间6万人先后死掉,至今仍然在世的不超过10人。

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本片的导演历经3年的筹备,千方百计找到其中的5位幸存者,讲述了这段肝肠寸断的前尘往事。二战前的德国,是欧洲的文化娱乐中心,来自世界各地的年轻人来到柏林寻找志同道合的朋友,寻找刺激而快乐的未来;当然,这里的同性恋俱乐部也是最着名的,同性结交蔚为风行,据统计,在德国的年轻人当中,大概7%-8 %是同性恋者。希特勒上台后,奉行民族政策和种族优化政策,残酷迫害犹太人和同性恋者。5位被采访者讲述了自己的亲身经历的故事,将那段历史和恐惧的大屠杀中从未公诸于世的一页呈现在我们面前…



By the 1920's, Berlin had become known as a homosexual eden, where gay men an~d lesbians lived relatively open lives amidst an exciting subculture of artists an~d intellectuals. With the coming to power of the Nazis, all this changed. Between 1933 an~d 1945 100,000 men were arrested for homosexuality under Paragraph 175, the sodomy provision of the German penal code dating back to 1871. Some were imprisoned, others were sent to concentration camps. Of the latter, only about 4,000 survived.

Today, fewer than ten of these men are known to be living. Five of them have now come forward to tell their stories for the first time in this powerful new film. The Nazi persecution of homosexuals may be the last untold story of the Third Reich. Paragraph 175 fills a crucial gap in the historical record, an~d reveals the lasting consequences of this hidden chapter of 20th century history, as told through personal stories of men an~d women who lived through it: the half Jewish gay resistance fighter who spent the war helping refugees in Berlin; the Jewish lesbian who escaped to Englan~d with the help of a woman she had a crush on; the German Christian photographer who was arrested an~d imprisoned for homosexuality, then joined the army on his release because he "wanted to be with men"; the French Alsatian teenager who watched as his lover was tortured an~d murdered in the camps.

These are stories of survivors -- sometimes bitter, but just as often filled with irony an~d humor; tortured by their memories, yet infused with a powerful will to endure. Their moving testimonies, rendered with evocative images of their lives an~d times, tell a haunting, compelling story of human resilience in the face of unspeakable cruelty. Intimate in its portrayals, sweeping in its implications, Paragraph 175 raises provocative questions about memory, history, an~d identity.

【同志亦凡人中文站】活着为了证明.Paragraph 175.2000.rmvb


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